As we move along in our busy lives, it’s easy to turn away from the issues that define us as a species. War. Corruption. Human rights violations. The extermination of an entire species. At the turn of the 20th century, there were 500,000 rhinoceroses in the wild. Today, because of poaching, there are 29,000. At some point in our lifetimes, these great creatures may only exist in captivity. It’s an epic tragedy.
I’ve always had a thing for rhinos. Call it a childhood fascination that I never outgrew. To me the rhinoceros represents a natural, sustainable idea that needs only for us to get out of the way. But, thanks to greed and ignorance, their days could be numbered. It’s a sickening, hopeless feeling.
Since I can’t fly to Africa to stand guard against poachers, I wanted to do something to help these animals. That’s why I’m using this site to draw attention to the plight of the rhino. If you were expecting metaphorical business images like chess pieces and people in suits enjoying powerpoint presentations, pardon me for wanting to use the visual real estate on this site for a higher purpose.
A few of the organizations that are doing outstanding work to educate consumers of the consequences of their actions are World Wildlife Fund, WildAid, Save the Rhino, and the International Anti-Poaching Foundation. I urge you to visit these sites and then take action to help halt the rhino’s extinction before it’s too late. Thank you.
– Jim